Comments on: The Jefferson Hotel’s Outstanding Service Recovery Thought Leader in Travel Thu, 10 Dec 2009 09:45:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gary Thu, 10 Dec 2009 09:45:23 +0000 @Steve, before I had written my post, while I was still on-property, and before they knew I wrote a blog the hotel had already committed to pay the cost of the ding to my door and had offered to comp me a meal at the restaurant.

Would I have gotten a call from the Assistant GM? I have no way to know. Would she have offererd to comp a future night? I have no way to know. Because both of those happened after I had written my post.

The differing levels of service by the way at most of the hotels I review are more likely to result from elite status than anything else…

By: April♥ Thu, 10 Dec 2009 09:13:37 +0000 I think it’s great of a hotel to go above and beyond in trying to make up for their mistakes or do all what it takes to win back a customer. Sometimes, it’s the service that really matters in the end. What good does it bring to a nice hotel, if the service sucks. Bad service is bad for business. I’m glad it all turned out well in the end for you….Thanks for sharing your experience.

By: Steve Thu, 10 Dec 2009 01:52:36 +0000 Thanks for posting this follow-up story.

A common issue with moderately prominent bloggers reviewing products and services is that they receive more attention from vendors because of your posted internet reviews.

Do you believe you would have received the same level of attention and service if you had done only one of the following?

1. Written an email to the hotel.
2. Posted a review on tripadvisor, yelp, etc.
3. Posted your trip report only on an internet bulletin board.

Of course, there’s no way for you to know unless somebody else contributes an anecdote — just a thought exercise I guess.

Nothing against this particular hotel and the service you received — I just think it’s important for everyone to be aware of potentially divergent levels of service based on stature.
